
Update on Barbara

Much has transpired since the last update, but overall Barbara's condition is about the same. The good news is she is able to walk around in the house okay without assistance and can do a bit of gardening outside. And she continues to feel well. Read More...

Update on Barbara

Barbara suffered a relapse of the Hashimoto's encephalopathy on December 13. Since then conditions have been somewhat worse with lots of ups and downs. Read More...

Update on Barbara

Things are progressing well, but slowly. The oral prednisone doses are being decreased and her walking is improved. Also, some usage of the right hand has returned. Sleep is still good and she feels very good. The balance is better, but bears watching. Tremors are still present, but somewhat reduced. Every day sees a slight improvement.

Barbara's Update

It has been an interesting period since the diagnosis was made earlier this month. There has been positive progress and though it seems slow, every day brings some improvement. Read More...

Barbara's Diagnosis

For over eight months now Barbara has been seeing doctors and trying several different medications in an attempt to quell her tremors and other associated problems. This past week she finally received what appears to be an accurate appraisal with a treatment schedule. Read More...

Barbara Goes To The Hospital

An unexpected trip to Marshall Medical Center was Barbara's fate on Friday afternoon. It's only 15 minutes from the house, even if you miss the couple of traffic lights, and the care is great. But she would still rather not make the trip. Read More...

Barbara Makes A Hospital Visit.

The morning of Tuesday, December 15, 2009, is one we may remember for awhile since it resulted in an unexpected trip to the local emergency room. Read More...

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