
What We're Doing

We both believe we are spiritual beings enjoying an earthly experience. Spirituality has to do with one's interior life, the ever-evolving understanding of one's self and one's place in the cosmos. As people get in touch with themselves, they become more spiritual beings.

Life can be found only in the present moment. The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment we cannot be in touch with life.

Also, we create our own reality, which puts the power in our own hands...we can create it however we want it. It grants an amazing amount of freedom when this is known and practiced. Remember, however, the only true reality is impermanence and change.

Peace, happiness, joy, and life all go together and we can experience the peace of the divine reality right in the present moment.

We attempt to live by these precepts and to paraphrase Mohandas Gandhi, Our life is our message.

Be healthy. Be kind. Respect the environment. Three rules, seven words. If we follow them, our lives will change. As many of our lives change our world changes. If you wish to astonish the whole world, tell people that. "Seven Words That Can Change the World" gives all the details of this simple, yet effective, truth.

Living in a simple and uncomplicated manner can also be a spiritual experience, and so much has been written about this way of life that we've decided it deserves its own section, Simple Living.

"The Secret"

We purchased and watched a DVD with the title of "The Secret" and found it to be excellent and inspirational.

The Secret web site has more information and an interesting trailer. It's also possible to watch it online, but we just went for the DVD and were not disappointed.

Beyond Reason

Beyond Reason is a new kind of talk in the air. For those who dare to think. It's about:
  • Responsibility, spirituality, powers of mind, forces beyond.
  • If you've had enough of the average, angry, everyday kind of talk, then go beyond with a show that's like none other.
  • Conversing with some of the greatest minds on the planet.
  • If you've ever asked, "Why am I here?"; "Have I been here before?"; "What happens when I die?"; "Is there more?"
  • ...then listen to the most unique radio talk show ever, Beyond Reason.

Inspirational Sites

InnerSelf has the motto: New Attitudes-New Possibilities and contains many inspiring articles.

ServiceSpace is an experiment in the joy of giving. It must be viewed for full appreciation of their projects.

NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE) addresses humankind's oldest, most perplexing questions: Who are we? Why are we here? What is the origin and purpose of life?

  • Our Ultimate Reality addresses the different realities that each of us sees and lives; "Mind is the fundamental Principle of the Universe, and ultimately Mind and consciousness is literally all there is."
  • Steven Harrison has spent his life exploring the nature of consciousness and its expression; his talks & articles are inspiring.
  • The Big Picture has many thought-provoking articles including, The Law of Attraction and The Vibrational Universe.
  • The Conscious Media Network gives direct access to some of the most insightful spiritual and holistic thinkers. You will have to do the free sign-up to access all of the content.
  • George Anderson has been able to bridge the world of the hereafter and the earth.
  • Beliefnet is a "multi-faith e-community designed to help you meet your own religious and spiritual needs."
  • PSI TEK has a good selection of free metaphysical books that you can read online.
"Love, compassion, and tolerance are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive."
The Dali Lama

There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.
Freya Stark